Can Dogs Eat Blueberries Safely?

  • The simple short answer to this question is yes; you can safely feed your dog with blueberries.

Let us dive deeper into the answer to this question and show the benefits of blueberries for dogs.

Can dogs eat blueberries?

Blueberries are part of the superfood family and have shown enormous human health benefits.

However, the health benefits of blueberries are not limited to humanity; these berries have proven to positively impact dogs’ health and help them live longer. 

Blueberries are a great source of antioxidants and have high values of vitamin C and K if blueberries undergo a proper growing and harvesting process.

Blueberries are also low in calories, making them an excellent option for a healthy treat.

The antioxidant properties in blueberries fight radicals that are the reason for cellular and molecular damage in humans and dogs.

Blueberries are also high in phytochemicals, chemical compounds found in blueberry plants that fight cancer in humans.

As the study emphasizes, the consumption of blueberries in dogs helps cognitive function and keeps their brain from aging.

Blueberries have also been shown to improve night vision because of the fibers and vitamin C it contains.

Due to all of these health benefits, there is no reason for you not to add blueberries to your dog treats list.

Why should you feed blueberries to your dog?

Dog Hungry for Blueberries
Dog Hungry for Blueberries

If it is the first time you are feeding your dog blueberries, make sure to monitor his chewing since the blueberries are also tiny and might become a problem for swallowing.

Even though blueberries are safe to eat, dogs tend to swallow food that is small in size without chewing it first. That’s why the risk of a possible choking hazard is present and should be taken into consideration.

Consuming blueberries can be a great addition to your dog’s diet. However, the number of blueberries you feed your dog should be moderated.

Depending on your dog’s size and age, the blueberry treat amount can vary, so if you are not sure, you can always consult a veterinarian to help you regulate your dog’s diet.

It is preferred that you start by feeding them up to three berries to see how they react, and if their organism accepts them without any side effects, you can increase the amount to 12 berries per day.

Another thing that you have to consider as a dog owner who wants to know if their dog can safely eat blueberries is if it has any adverse effect on your dog’s wellbeing. By feeding them a considerable amount at the beginning of their new diet, you might watch for stomachache, itching, or vomiting. If that’s the case, you should look for alternative fruits since your dog might be allergic to blueberries.

If you are a person with a love for gardening and are planning to grow blueberry plants in your garden, make sure to check the kind of fertilizer for blueberries that you want to use for increasing your blueberries since some of the fertilizers have a smell that dogs get highly attracted to it and won’t let your plants alone. This could lead to dogs eating blueberries without you noticing and become a problem for your dog’s stomach.

Things to consider when feeding your dog blueberries:

  • Fresh blueberries that are bio would be safe for dogs to eat. They don’t contain chemicals such as pesticides and herbicides and won’t impose risks on your dog.
  • The cultivation of blueberries varies from farm to farm. Some farmers use chemical compounds in plants to have an easier time growing their blueberries. So, wash your berries every time to remove these chemical compounds in plants.
  • Closely monitor your dog while eating especially if it’s the first time you are feeding blueberries to your dog. Since blueberries are small in size they present a choking hazard for your dog. Be even more aware when feeding blueberries to smaller dogs.
  • The reaction of your dog after eating blueberries is to check for possible allergies that might come as a result of consuming blueberries.
  • Moderation of the amount that is being fed to your dog. Eating much can cause stomach pain, and be toxic to dogs. Adjust their diet accordingly, it can become your dog’s favorite sweet treat replacement.

Antioxidant Blueberry Benefits for Dogs

Blueberries have been going through research studies on their health benefits in humans for 30 years, thus including reflections on their effect on dogs.

A research study was made on sled dogs who are used to exercising regularly, feeding them blueberries 48 hours before their initial activity. The experiment aimed to measure the blood’s antioxidant levels during the training. While the sled dogs didn’t experience any muscle damage during the exercise, the study suggests that feeding blueberries to dogs before their workout rather than supplying them with their usual diet can boost their protection from oxidative naturally occurring damage.

Most dogs enjoy eating blueberries, and if yours is not that impressed, you can try feeding him dried blueberries from the freezer. This will also enable you to hide the blueberries in your dog’s food so he can enjoy a ¼ teaspoon amount of blueberries if your dog is a medium/large sized one.

Can Dogs Eat Fruits Other Than Blueberries?

cherries, cherry, set-3497781.jpg
Dog Eating Fruits

Introducing your dogs to new foods, especially fruits and vegetables, can be challenging.

If you add blueberries to your dog’s diet, it could result in an upset stomach.

It is the same story with fruits like watermelon, banana, cranberry, strawberry, blackberry, and raspberry, which are great treat for your dog.

While blueberries have many health benefits, so do fruits and veggies, which are full of vitamins and minerals that help strengthen the immune system.

Let’s see which other fruits dogs can eat that have many health benefits.

Can Dogs Eat Strawberries?

Just like blueberries, strawberries contain potassium, fiber, and antioxidants which are sources of vitamin C.

Because strawberries are not that small and soft to the touch, they could be a convenient treat for your dog.

The health benefits of strawberries for dogs include reduction of inflammation and cognitive aging prevention.

Can Dogs Eat Bananas?

Like strawberries, bananas are high in fiber and a good source of vitamin C and B6. Bananas help fight diarrhea or resolve constipation due to blockages in a dog’s organism.

Bananas are also an excellent treat for dogs since they are a low-calorie healthy snack and could help keep your dog maintaining a balanced diet.

In terms of feeding portions, small dogs should eat two or three small-sliced pieces, whereas bigger dogs can eat up to 1 banana a day.

Bananas shouldn’t become a dog’s daily diet but a deserved snack since they contain a high amount of sugar and can cause an upset stomach.

Can Dogs Eat Watermelon?

Watermelon is another great snack given to dogs that is safe to eat, but with precaution!

Before feeding your dog watermelon, remove the skin and seeds since they can lead to intestinal blockage.

Watermelon can support the immune system of dogs and keep your furry loved one strong and healthy.


Blueberries and other fruits are safe to eat if you have a dog that loves getting rewarded with a snack here and there.

Blueberries may be full of benefits for your dogs; however since they also contain sugar, consider lowering their intake.

Don’t forget to moderate your dog’s chewing when eating blueberries if it’s their first time.

Also, don’t let them eat many blueberries since it could lead to possible stomach aches for your doggy.

Blueberries are a great treat for hot summer days and can be easily put in the freezer and eaten during other seasons.

Frozen blueberries can last up to 1 year; even then, your dogs will love their delicious taste.

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